This year we will have the pleasure of honoring...

Judge of the Year
The Honorable Scott B. Cooper, Supervising Judge of the Collaborative Courts Program

Attorney of the Year
Antoinette Naddour, Esq., Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Veterans Legal Institute
As well as installing our new Celtic Bar Association President...

Ryan Pinkney, Esq., Jamal Injury Law
The event will be held at the residence of our gracious hosts Ashleigh Aitken and Michael Penn in Anaheim Hills, California, with the address provided to registrants in advance.
For the member rate, 2024 Dues must be paid before the time of payment for Samhain Eve dinner. Member dues are: Attorneys: $25.00, Judges: $20.00. Payments may be made here:
Join/Renew your membership
Pricing will increase by $10 in each category at the door.
Payments can be made online until Sunday, November 3.
Otherwise, checks for Samhain Eve and 2024 Dues payable to the
"Celtic Bar Association" may be sent in advance to:
Michael Penn, Esq.
Treasurer, Celtic Bar Association
3 MacArthur Place, Suite 800
Santa Ana, CA 92707
No dress code—but kilts encouraged!
Kilt rentals can be ordered from Claymore Imports/Kilt Rental USA at We strongly recommend orders be placed as soon as possible to ensure timely shipping.