Join usMembership dues are due each Samhain Eve (this year November 18, 2023). Pay for MembershipPay for EventProcess your payment for an event. Please be sure to put the name of the event in the Comment section. Join/Renew By MailDownload Mail-in Membership Application >Attorney Members: $25.00 Please mail to: Michael Penn, Esq. | Member ClassificationAttorney Members: All attorneys in good standing under the State Bar of any state in the United States and have membership in the Orange County Bar Association. Judicial Members: All judicial officers in good standing of any local, state or federal tribunal. General MeetingsMeetings are held on the Third Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at: |
OfficersPresident Secretary Treasurer / Exchequer Sergeant at Arms OCBA Liaison RĂona Anaheim and Permanent Vice President Minister for Arts, Immediate Past President Trustees | Founding MembersChristopher R. Aitken, Esq. Past PresidentsDarren O. Aitken, Esq. |